Introduction ---------------- I had some spare time this weekend and was bored of babysitting. So, I went ahead and made something interesting to kill my time and use some of the scrap wood I have been collecting for ages. Hardware Requirement ---------------------------------

For this project we need: Pallet Wood Protective equipment like: Face mask Glasses Gloves Sanding Tool Hammer Measuring Tape Nails Handsaw or Chop-saw Knife Pliers Pencil and Paint of your choice
Dismantling The Pallet --------------------------------

Using 2 hammers I am going to dismantle the pallet. My aim is to reuse all the nails used in building this pallet so that, I can use them in building my stool. A stool is a highly useful piece of furniture that comes in handy at any point of time, such as to sit, and to reach out places that you can't reach without some additional support. There are so many styles, shapes, and types of stools available online, but the real fun is to make one yourself, using your own time and creativity. Many people choose them to add a bit of charm to their home interior and exterior decoration.
Wood Cutting --------------------

Let's start by cutting the wooden pieces required for this project.
My pallets are 9cm wide and 2cm thick. So, if I want to make a perfect square I would need:
12 x 36cm blocks for 2 opposite sides and the top8 x 32cm blocks for the other 2 sides4 x 38cm blocks for the legs, which will also hold the sidesFor the base we need: 2 x 32cm blocks for the center bit and2 x 28cm blocks for the sides bitsAnd finally, few random sized blocks to hold the sides. Just keep watching and you will know what I mean. Sanding ------------

Before putting the blocks together I am going to sand them to give them a nice and smooth texture. Putting The Pieces Together ----------------------------------------

Let's start by putting the 2 identical sides together. For that, I am going to use the 4 x 32cm blocks and the 2 x 38cm legs. Once the sides are ready I will use the 8 x 36cm blocks to join these sides to each other to give it a square shape. But, before joining the 4th side I am putting the bottom bit together. Cool, so that's how the box looks like without the top lid. Now, lets put the lid together and place it over the box. Awesome, look at that. To fill the holes, I am mixing sawdust with a bit of wood glue and then filling the holes up with the mixture. I will sand it once the glue drys up to give it a smooth finish.
Painting ------------

Black is my favorite color. So, I am going to paint this stool with water-based black paint. Now, to draw the circles I am using the lid of the 'Pringles' potato chips paperboard can. The Legs -------------

As this stool will be used inside the house, I don't want the wooden legs to scratch the tiles of my floor. So to avoid that, I am putting some hot glue under the legs. You can also use a rubber base for this.
This is another beautiful creation of the wooden pallet that is recycled into an excellent piece work. This is a versatile piece of furniture which can be placed in the living room, bedroom, study, kitchen or/and even outdoors. This stool is lightweight yet sturdy, comfortable to sit on, and is highly functional as it can be moved around the house, giving a dynamic and entertaining experience.
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