As some of you may know, I love to recycle pallets!
And today I have decided to show you how I am creating a simple design shelf with a piece of pallet wood... Which will bring you to this final result:

Before starting please find here a list of tools you might need in order to do it yourself:
Tool used:

And more below...
We put together a list of some of the tools used in the shop on our Amazon Store (affiliate link), if you'd like to support what we do, shop through this link: MyATCtv Amazon Store
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Ok, Now let's start!
Step 1:
Dismantle the pallet wood
All you will need is an EURO pallet 80*120 (of course the best will be to get an HT type (heat treated))

Turn it up side down to after that sue your clamps to stabilize it on your table or workbench.

After using your jig saw for the cut, you should end up with this piece.

The dissemble to top side to cut o size the piece between the top and pallet blocks. (Of course don't forget to remove the nails)

and here you should have your blocks all squared

Then time to replace the top in place and start some sanding

Step 2:
Round up the edges, sand and paint
Here if needed you can square up or round up the edges with your router (I am using in that case a chamfer bit)

When done with the router, time to move to some painting

Then making also the edges for the back board with the router table

Step 3:
Wood burning and rustic effect
Applying a shou sugi ban wood burning technique to the wood

then some wood lacquer to highlight the burning effect

And here is the pallet board after

Step 4:
Adding the pipes and hinges
Then after that moving to the pipe cut

After making all the cut, time to assemble the doors with the hinges, the attach the pipes and mount the all to the wall.

Step 5:
Mounting to the wall:
I am sharing with you below a short video of the build:
And here an exploded version of this design but you will of course be able to also find it in the interactive plan.

I hope that you like this article and if it's the case, feel free to share it to support our small refurbished projects.
And if needed please comment below if you have any questions.
Watch the full video at MyATCtv: Click here
Mr ATC for another idea of housing
Thanks for sharing...