Hi friends, I am here to share with you another story of recycled materials.
The public school teacher of my eldest daughter advised his class to do a “DIY: Toy Guitar”. So, my eldest daughter, Tiffany Youxi (Yushi), Grade 5 student, told me that she needs materials for it.
You might think that making this is a fun toy for yourself or for your kid. Imagine of creating a simple toy to make a little music from household items.
In our family, we always have a brainstorming time when we are planning. We thought of the milk box to be the body of the guitar (since we have a baby). Then, we collected rubber bands from tied vegetables or fruits we bought in the market to be the strings. We also added popsicle sticks as an extra design. Lastly, we used the box inside a rolled aluminum foil to be the finger board of the guitar.
Always remember that making something out of a recycled material is fantastic and really amazing. We will definitely not harm the Mother Earth.
Who will not be happy to know if you can create an “object” that budget won’t be a predicament?
Let us learn by heart! This toy looks both practical and attractive as well.
Things needed:

1. Cardboard boxes (milk box, shoe box, paper plate)
2. End box of the aluminum foil
3. Rubber bands
4. Marker
5. Cutter
6. Popsicle sticks
7. Adhesive tape
8. Glue gun
9. Scissors
10. Pencil
Firstly, we will draw a circle on the center of the milk box and cut it as it will serve as a sound hole. Then, cut another circle on top of the box where we are going to insert the end box of the aluminum foil.

Secondly, we will paste the popsicle sticks on the front part of the box as its design. Then, paste the rubber bands to one of the popsicle sticks as it will be the saddle of the guitar followed by pasting the other side of the rubber bands to stretch out it. This is already our ground for the strings to be stable on the toy guitar.

Finally, here’s the result of our very simple toy guitar.

It’s very gorgeous because of its colors!
Hope that you like it!
Let's all have more DIY articles in this community!