Hi everyone!
Here's another recycled creative project of my eldest daughter.
Just a simple DIY Toy Drum.
Remember, this can absolutely be a toy also of your little ones after it's being checked by the teacher in school. Yet, Christmas is very fast approaching... It can be used as a "caroling" musical instrument of your kid. (wink... wink...)
Here are the things used:
1. Can
2. Used swimming head cap (you can also use a balloon, or any kind of a thick plastic)
3. Scissors
4. Rubber bands
5. Chopsticks or Popsicle Sticks
6. Creative sticker paper

Let me start with, "maybe you're wondering why we didn't use a formula milk can" as its body. It is because we don't buy a canned formula milk for our baby. We buy her a formula milk that's in the box. If you have to compare the contents of the milk powder inside the canned milk and the boxed one (with the same weight), the output is that "the box has more formula milk powder". Typically, the can is heavier than a box.
So, let us proceed...
We looked for a swimming head cap in our storage box that is not being used anymore as it is more durable than a plastic. The swimming head cap is mostly made of a "latex rubber" so it will last longer. It will serve as a "tom-toms" of the drum. And, to have it in place, we put rubber bands on it.

We also have a sticker paper on top of our printer. We thought of a beautiful design and have it printed and pasted it all over the can.
The chopsticks or popsicle sticks can be used as the drum sticks. We just only added a rubber band on it to make the sound louder.

Here's the result of it...

A very simple but practical DIY Toy Drum...
We hope you like it!
Very nice and simple! Thanks for sharing Mariane